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Miniature Badges

Miniature badges are attached to special Angels to match the organization they represent. For example:
In July 2002, we dedicated more than 950 Angels for families who lost a loved one in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Angels were made for each of the fire and law enforcement agencies, passengers and crewmembers on the hijacked airplanes, everyone at the Pentagon, and numerous people at the World Trade Center who lost their lives.

On Memorial Day 2004, we dedicated more than 1,000 Angels bearing an American flag and military branch insignia for each family who lost a loved one during military action in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
On September 11, 2007, Angels of Love took part in a memorial service to remember all of the victims of the 9/11 tragedy. The service took place at Northwood Community Park in Irvine, California.
Each family of a California law enforcement or fire department member fallen in the line of duty receives an Angel of Love.